How to make natural Viagra with your own foods at home?

How to make natural Viagra at homework one hundred percent Everyone is aware that viagra could be a powerful drug for men, accustomed to enhance sexual operate and performance. But very few people know the secret that it can also be made at home by using simple foods. And they are very potent aphrodisiacs. In order to create your own made viagra, first, you will need the main ingredients which are very often available in grocery stores. These ingredients are very potent aphrodisiacs. Watermelon, lemon, Watermelon consists of various nutrients and has aphrodisiac properties which have citrulline and lycopene. The best thing to do should not use sugar, salt, spices or any other flavors, which can reduce the power of the two main ingredients. Step one: Chop the watermelon into small pieces and put the pieces into a juicer to obtain about one liter of watermelon juice . The white stuff within the shell of watermelon is additionall...