How to keep Bananas always fresh.

How to keep Bananas always fresh. I bought a bunch of bananas. First of all, you need to know about bananas. First, Bananas release ethylene gas naturally to ripen each other. Second, Bananas are slowed to ripening by keeping them under at thirteen degree celcius or fifty-five degree farenhite. Third, Bananas suffer from the cold. How to do to keep Bananas fresh ? Separate them first. Prepare some plastic bags. I usually use ones which I used when I purchase fruit at supermarket. Next, put a banana into the plastic bag. Then, wrap it tightly. For the rest of bananas repeat the same step for them. It prevents bananas from ripening each other. I wrapped four bananas individually. Put wrapped bananas into a double plastic bag. By doing this it prevents bananas from suffering from cold air directly in the refrigerator. After that put your wrapped bananas into the refrigerato...