
Showing posts with the label wear wristwatch properly

How to Wear Your Wristwatch the perfect way.

How to Wear Your Wristwatch the perfect way. What the correct way to wear wristwatch ? Today on wristwatch your style, I'm gonna go over the correct way to wear a wristwatch. Many people give me different opinions and there's also different ways that people like in their opinion to wear a wristwatch, but I'm gonna go over the basics on how to wear your wristwatch . When it comes to wearing your Wristwatch, you obviously have to use what's comfortable for you. There's a lot of different theories thrown around, like for example, many people like to say that the wristwatch should be worn above the bone.  That's something that I hear all the time. People really need to hear about this you know I got people saying, what's the correct way to wear wristwatch ?  One gentleman in the room would say the correct way to wear the wristwatch is above the bone.  The bone means, right here your wrist Bone. They say that the correct way is above your bon...