How to Wear Your Wristwatch the perfect way.

How to Wear Your Wristwatch the perfect way. What the correct way to wear wristwatch ?

Today on wristwatch your style, I'm gonna go over the correct way to wear a wristwatch. Many people give me different
opinions and there's also different ways that people like in their opinion to wear a wristwatch, but I'm gonna go over the
basics on how to wear your wristwatch. When it comes to wearing your Wristwatch, you obviously have to use
what's comfortable for you. There's a lot of different theories thrown around, like for example, many people like to say that the wristwatch should be worn above the bone.  That's something that I hear all the time. People really need to hear about this you know I got people saying, what's the correct way to wear wristwatch ?

 One gentleman in the room would say the correct way to wear the wristwatch is above the bone.  The bone means, right here your wrist Bone. They say that the correct way is above your bone. I'm gonna go ahead and say that that's incorrect. Alright ? I think that it's about opinion. I do not wear my wristwatch above the bone. Now, if you like it above the bone, that's your problem. Nothing wrong with that. My opinion is just for me man, it's just the way it feels, when I wear a wristwatch above the bone, it almost feels like I'm wearing a pair of jeans all the way up to my bellybutton. 

That's just the way
that I feel about it, but at the end of the day, this is a topic that's really about the way you like it or what's comfortable.

 Everybody has different size wrist and different size bones on their wrist. So it really just depends what works for you. There's three ways to wear the wristwatch on your wrist. It could be above the bone, below the bone or on the bone. I kind of wear my wristwatch on the bone. 

That's kind of just the way that I wear it. And believe it or not, when it's on the bone, it goes below the bone or above the bone. Either way, but it always centers back on the bone. So that's one thing you want to know, first of all, is what location on the wrist do you want to wear it and really it's what is the most comfortable for you.
Some people don't like to wear it so low because the crown would did into their hand, the top of their hand. I agree I agree. Definitely don't want the wristwatch too low, 

to where it's kind of digging in. Which leads to my next point, which is probably the most important for me when it comes to how to wear your wristwatch, is loose or tight ? Now, that's something that's really up to Opinion.  Again, I have seen all sorts of Things. I got guys that cannot wear a wristwatch too tight. Then I got other guys I sell a wristwatch too and they're like, take one more link off. I'm like, brother, you're gonna lose your circulation and you might need the jaws of life to remove that watch later. He's like, I like it snug !  I for one cannot wear a watch too tight, because what happens is it starts off a little bit loose in the morning and one might think, hey, this wristwatch is too loose. let me tighten it up a little bit. But what happens is that you have Breakfast. You have your Cuban coffee. You have extra soy sauce on your sushi for lunch. You start retaining water and by the end of the day, I feel like I'm gonna die. I cannot wear wristwatch that too tight. By far, I would rather have a wristwatch that's loose and tight. Of course, to loose is a Problem. But that has to do with the wayyou like it.

 Some of the guidelines that I like to use are these :  When you put a wristwatch on and I fit a wristwatch to somebody, I
look to see if their skin is tightening up. If it's stretching their skin in a little bit, that might be a little bit too tight. If it's too loose, one of the things I like to use is the twist test. 

If you can turn the wristwatch above the bone all the way around,  then chances are the wristwatch is too loose. So that's some little guidelines that I like to use. I like to leave the wristwatch a little bit of play, just a little bit, because throughout the day I'm gonna realize that at times, it actually gets pretty tight. Sometimes in the morning, it might get loose. But you got to find that right medium and at the end of day, you just
gotta wear it the way you like it. Like that one guy that I know that wears this wristwatch so tight that, I'm talking about
you literally see it squeezing his hand. Just like you know I don't get it, but everybody wears it different ways and I
guess the meaning of all this is there is no wrong way to wear a wristwatch. The only way I would say is wrong is way too loose. That's a problem. If you wear the wristwatch way too loose, it causes excessive wear on the links and stress because it's always banging around and it's just going everywhere. Also too tight might stretch out the band. Keep that in mind. So people have asked me,  what side should I wear the wristwatch on, the left or the right ?

 Brother, that really has to do with, you know if you're right-handed or left-handed. I myself right-handed. I wear my wristwatch on my left. I've actually tried to put a wristwatch on my right hand before and it actually feels so weird that I just cannot stand it. Like, I couldn't imagine having to wear a wristwatch on my right. It's up to opinion. You know you should know by now  what side you like to wear your wristwatch. So it's really however you want to do it. With there, flexibility is everything. If you want to wear two wristwatches at the same time, you better make up some heavy-hitters. That's just what I think. Don't be walking around the street with two Submariners, one on each wrist. If you're gonna be wearing two wristwatches, it better be two pateks or two Richard Mills.


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