How to know your cat better? Understand cats better

How to make friends with your cat?, How to communicate with your cats? There are many ways to make friends with your kitty cat. Everybody knows that kitty cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets. Can you work out what is going through that kitty cat? However, kitty cats have their own language. And if you learn it, there is a chance you will understand them much better. We have put together all the possible cat behaviors to help you find a common language with your kitty cats. Well, if it allows you to. Also, I have prepared 3 essential tips that will help you communicate with kitty cats better. #1. The tail. 1.1 If the kitty cats tail is raised. A raised upward also curled tail means your kitty cats is happy with its life. Congrats. you are already best friends with your cat. But how did you manage to do it...