How to know your cat better? Understand cats better

How to make friends with your cat?, How to communicate with your cats?

          There are many ways to make friends with your kitty cat. Everybody knows that kitty cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets. Can you work out what is going through that kitty cat? However, kitty cats have their own language. And if
you learn it, there is a chance you will
understand them much better. We have put together all the possible cat behaviors
to help you find a common language with
your kitty cats. Well, if it allows you to. Also, I have prepared 3 essential tips that
will help you communicate with kitty cats

#1. The tail.

1.1 If the kitty cats tail is raised.

           A raised upward also curled tail means your kitty cats is happy with its life. Congrats. you are already best friends with your cat. But how did you manage to do it, by the way? Do you know any secrets on how to please your kitty cats?

1.2 Occasional twitches tail.

           If occasional your kitty cats tail’s twitches. Occasional tail’s twitches Means that your kitty cat is excited or worried about something. Also, vets say when a cat nervously jerks its tail or continue knocking its tail on the floor, this means your kitty cats is in pain or stressed. Maybe this is time to take your cat to a vet.

1.3 The Fur juts out.

          If you kitty cat’s furred tail Juts out in different Directions, this is means your kitty cats is very excited, or feels threatened. The purpose of fluffing the tail is to create an illusion that the cat is larger than it is. By doing this way, your cat is showing its enemy that it is really big and scary to deal with.

 1.4 The cat’s tail vibrates.

         If the kitty cat’s tail vibrates. the cat always vibrate its tail slightly when the cat
agitated and please to see you. The kitty cat also means that your cat is excited waiting
for something, for example, for a treat.

 1.5 If the cat’s tail sticks straight up.

        If your kitty cats sticks its tail straight up and bends its back to form an “N” letter, you need to pay special attention to this.
This is a sign of extreme aggression, and it
Always occurs during self-defense. If nothing dangerous happens around, try to calm your kitty cat down by petting it.

1.6 If the tail of cat is inclined at a low angle.

       The tail of the cat straight, but inclined tail this is a sign of slight aggression or fright. Also, when a kitty cat does not know if there is a friend or enemy around, it will keeps the tail at an angle of forty five degrees.  

1.7 If the tail of cat is lowered.

        The kitty cat lowers its tail toward the
ground when the cat frightened or feels
guilty. Most often, kitty cats tuck its tail between their paws when the kitty cats are afraid of something or someone. Also, this is a sign of insecurity and Submission. Have a look around the house. your kitty cat has probably done something naughty, and lowers its tail knowing that you are gonna punish it.

1.8 The cat’s tail is wagging from side to side.

         If your cat wags its tail sharply from side to side, This sign means the cat is angry something. This is the best
to leave your pet alone. However, it might
also be that your kitty cat want you to play with. Why do cats wag their tails while
sitting next to you and feeling completely satisfied? This is simple. The kitty cat
checks if there is an enemy behind its

#2. the eyes

2.1 Dilated pupils.

        Cat Dilated pupils indicates strong feelings : such as playfulness, Agitation, fright or aggression. In case a house is new for your kitty cat, cat dilates its pupils as a sign that it is not used to the new place yet. Your kitty cat needs time to examine the situation and people around the cat.
A direct look. When a cat looks directly
in your eyes, the cat means the cat trusts you. Your pet is comfortable being around you.

2.1 If the cat make a slow blink.

       A slow blink indicates that your cat is calm. Your pet feels comfortable and safe. Sometimes, it might even purr while blinking eyes slowly.

#3 : Interactions with people.

3.1 Rubbing against you if a cat give a rubs against you, the cat is barking you as its territory and property.  

3.2 poking, Poking with its wet nose is an
expression of attachment.  This indicates
your cat feels comfortable and safe being around you.

3.3 Rubbing his head or tail. When a cat rubs its head, side or tail against its owner. This is just saying hello.

3.4 Butting slightly. If your cat butting you slightly with its head this is a sign of friendliness. Your cat is in love with you.

3.5 Shifting from one paw to another paw.  The cats often move from one paw to another when they are happy or want to play.

3.6 Licking you. If your cat licks you, this is a definite sign that your cat trusts you and
considers you part of its family.

3.7 Eating your hair. When your cat bites your hair, This is simply trying to clean you. And this is another strong sign of love and trust.

3.8 Biting you. When your kitty cat bites you, this is as a sign that your cat wants to be left alone.   
Cats also need to have some private time,
as well as us humans. On the other hand,
light biting means your cat is just playing with you.

#4. Other gestures.

        If your cat raises its nose up and throws its head, the cat saying
“I see you” Cats often make this gesture
to people walking past the window. Or have you ever noticed it?

        A cat might press its ears against its
head if the cat feels scared, worried or wants to play. The cats also do this when they are sniffing something that is 
interested them. 

When a cat sticks its tongue out slightly and licks itself, the cat worried or anxious.

#5. Cat language.

         Cats generally greet people or announce their presence with the short sound. Lengthy meowing indicates that your cat is very glad to see you.
This occurs if you are away from home for
a long time. A medium-length meow might be a request for water or food.
A long sound (a mix of purring and
Meowing) is a more insistent request or

        A low meow is a complaint or indication of dissatisfaction. Also, it might mean your cat is ready to fight. A loud sound often indicates an urgent demand( for example, your cat needs more food). A
purring or vibrating sound indicates a
desire for closer contact or attention.
Cats purr for various reasons, but most
often cats do it when they are happy.

More important tips.

         To communicate with your cat better. How can you make your cat trust you?  Lowering your cat to the ground, make sure its paws have reached the floor. Your cat will trust you and know that it will not tumble if you let it go.

          How to stroke your cat?  If the cat’s owner sit on the floor with legs crossed and look at his or her cat, this will
interpret this as a friendly gesture and
come up to you and let you stroke it often.
Also, to ask for permission to stroke
your cat, stretch your hand out in its
direction. Your middle finger should be a
little lower than the others. The cat
will start rubbing its nose or face
against your hand.

         How to make your cat appear ?
Sometime a cat can go and hide and only appear when the cat alone or hears a calm voice.

By reading all this article you know how to find a commonlanguage with any cat. Thanks for reading…..


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