How to look good when take photos Tips.

How to look good when take photos Tips.

      I will give you the best tips on grooming style, fitness and the modeling life. There’s a couple of tips that you can do to take better photos. Number one is the light the light is the most important thing when it comes to taking photos light right now I’m standing in front of a big window so the sunlight comes in everything is clear but if I turn the camera around my face can look no good or terrible. Some part of my face still look good but some part of my face look dark due to sunlight angle. So if you are indoor stand in front of the window where the light is better to take photos. If you are outdoor it’s better to try and take the photos in the shade because the sunlight is not so strong in your face and the light is a lot better. Be careful not take photos in direct sunlight because you will get all these kind of shadows here and in your face and that really looks terrible so what you want to do is always take photos when the sun is at the back of your head and not in the front.

        The second tip : is grooming and style with the right grooming and the right styling. It’s just a little bit of effort but you can look so much better in photos.

        The Third tip : is your posture and the angles together it’s means if you are a bigger guy and got a lot of muscles or if you are slim and skinny. If you are bigger you want to have this posture of really bringing these shoulders a little back standing up straight and just looking a lot better with your posing your face and your shoulders and your chest everything goes together they work together as a team. So it’s really good to look straight into the camera but also the angles of your face look a little bit down or a little bit up especially if you look far away If you are a skinny guy what you want to do is you can move a lot more than the bigger guys and you won’t look strange what I mean is you can change and play with the angles right you can stand like this and you can walk, you can do a lot more because you won’t to look so weird you can tilt a little bit back with your back and look at the camera and look there. 

And you can try all these kind of interesting and different angles you can even bring the hand up you can play around and you can do everything that’s  kind of weird and interesting and fits in with you a lot more. It’s a little bit more closer to high fashion modeling where it’s more interesting.

        The angles of your body is always like 45 to the camera and 45 left for your face if you look straight to the camera sometimes it’s better to tilt your head a little bit down  and to the side too but play around with the angles see what works best with your face type and your body type. That’s something that you have to do and I cannot explain to you how to do that just play around and see what works

         The fourth tip: Facial expressions. Some guy look good by being very friendly and smiley and everything is just all good. Some guys look better when they are more serious right. But eventhough you have these expressions there’s a lot that you can do with your eyes the basic ones where it’s kind of the cool look right so what you want to think about while you do this pose is just think about something that looks really cool or I don’t know use your imagination. 

So you look somewhere and you are more serious now you play up your eyes so you make your eyes stronger. You try and you will see the difference between in how your eyes look right. You can play around with your eyes a lot to give a better impression. If you look friendly you do the same thing you just smile a little bit and look at the camera but don’t always look at the camera look away a little bit and just be friendly and think about things that make you happy that’s how you have these facial expressions that are natural. Because it is how you are really like right. That’s what you want to do it, So always look somewhere and think about things that make you happy even if that’s just food. For me something I think about my family that I miss back home because doing modeling you have to travel a lot in foreign countries and I don’t see my family a lot so I think about them Sometime and it always makes me happy. So being happy never goes out of style but use the expressions that works the best with you with your face type with your kind of look alright.

         The fifth tip : Editing : you can edit your pictures to make it looks a little bit better you know use applications like afterlight and facetune and those kind of stuff just download the apps and you can edit it but don’t go just crazy you know it needs to look natural I mean there’s a lot of fake stuff out there that’s just fake you know and people trying to be someone they are not. And you don’t want people to like your photos or like your picture but it doesn’t even look like you alright so keep it nice keep it natural. I would only use it if I’m at a very dark place and how it looks on the phone is not how it look in real life in this case I would edit so that it looks natural that’s you want to do. 

Especially on Instagram there are these people who edit everything they make their butts bigger they make their shoulders bigger they just goes crazy and so you never know what is real on instagram anymore. Don’t do that People want things that are real. There’s too many fake stuff people like things that are real that is true so focus on that.

        The sixth tip : If someone else is taking the picture ask them to count it down you know because sometimes there’s someone who want to take the picture and you guys are ready and they did you standing and visit the focusing and they are just figuring it out but everybody is waiting and they have their facial expressions ready and then with time you lose your facial expression it. It’s like you know those pageants when the girls start out and they smile and it looks nice and natural right but after a while they have been walking on the stage for a while they get tired. So you can see when the natural drops to being abnormal and weird right. So is natural smiling and then it’s this kind of weird face so that is what happens if you don’t ask someone to tell you the exact moment when they take the picture. So when they take the picture they have to say okay One, Two, Three Done. 

The seventh tip :  the background

       The background is so important it needs to fit in with your style right. So let’s say the background in one of a beautiful room is always perfect and corporate. Sometime you want an interesting background because it shows people who you are and your personality . It’s not just boring and fake so you can walk in the street or you can walk in the road and take some photos as well especially if you are in a different country. Sometime a clean and clear background are you have to consider.

The eigth tip : Be natural

       Just be normal, be you, be yourself. I have seen some of the internet videos and they some of these poses it’s just it look so fake and unnatural even when the people are walking is like weird kind of strange walk where they fake it and then you look so stiff. What you want to do is just be who you really are in real life and take that shot nothing is better, So  if you just stand you know stand and smile and take the picture if you walk somewhere you look do it the way you would really do it. Don’t be too stress about being perfect and having the perfect shot and there’s people who are so obsessed with it. It’s like crazy so when you take photos don’t just take photos of you all the time just selfies because for other people you look like you are obsessed of yourself. So take photos with people show the background, show where you are, what are you doing, what going on in your life. Make it more interesting there are millions of people out there that take selfies and photos of themselves every day right. But what make you different from everybody else it is your life, It’s your story because you are unique and there’s nobody else out there like you.


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