How benefit a luxury wristwatch is ?

How benefit a luxury wristwatch is ?

These are ten  reasons why you should own a luxury  wristwatch.   The first reason that I  want to discuss, and for me, it is one of  the most important ones, believe it or  not, is a luxury wristwatch  creates opportunity. And  you wonder what does that mean. I will give  you an example. Let's just say,  you are  driving down a road of a fancy  neighborhood and you happen to have, for  some miraculous reason, some type of car  troubles. Whether your car is brand new  or not, these things happen. And you also  tend to have a dead  battery in your phone.  If you need to knock on the door of one  of these fancy houses, chances are, if you  have one of a luxury wristwatch on your wrist, the door  is going to open wide open and you are  gonna get a phone in your hands. So it is  one of those things that I want to tell  you. If it just it gives you more  opportunity because it changes the way  that people see you.

Number two is pretty self-explanatory  and it is women like them

    because let's  just face it What type of  woman do not like wristwatches ?  Yes, there are  that percentage that are not into it and  like purses more than anything for  themselves, but many women do like men  with a nice or luxury wristwatch.  

Number three  is investment value

    Because it is proven
that over time, buying the right luxury wristwatch at  the right price, you will have your money  there. It will remain the same or most of  the times appreciate and at worst-case,  minimal loss. 

Number four is that it  enhances your 


    and that goes for  anything. If it is just your outfit or  just your overall look, a nice luxury  wristwatch will always enhance your  style and look. 

Number five is, if you wear luxury wristwatch this will  get you more respect. 

  Now, do not take this  the wrong way. I am not talking about  that will make up for any shortcomings you  might have in your life, but if you are  gonna go into a business meeting with a
new potential client, a nice and luxury wristwatch  it does not have to be an RM, but any nice  wristwatch, like a submariner will get
you more respect.

Number six luxury wristwatch is not for everybody

       But it  tends to be and it's, a great hobby. let's face it guys,  wristwatches are freaking cool. There is  just so much behind it and you can go  deep into this.  You can go from  the low level wristwatches all the
way up to the ultra-luxury. There is just a  wristwatch for everybody. 

Number seven,  Luxury wristwatch is a topic of Conversation

      And, believe it or not, I  have started many conversations because of a luxury wristwatch,  both initiated by me or the other person. So, trust me what I am  telling you. It is a good topic of  conversation. 

Number eight, Possible luxury wristwatch will make you more money.

        It is proven time and time again. Granted, it does not apply to everybody's job, but for most jobs, this luxury wristwatch right here will close that deal you are trying to close, because they will see you different. 

Number nine luxury wristwatch is a status symbol.

       For some of you that might not be important, but for many it is and
it is just another good reason to buy a luxury wristwatch

Number ten, luxury wristwatch is art on your wrist !  

         luxury wristwatches is a long-standing symbol  of traditional craftsmanship.  It is something that shows a little bit  of who you are and that you appreciate  the finer things and the finely detailed  and crafted stuff. So there it is ! those are my top ten reasons that every man should own a luxury wristwatch and, although  there is tremendous amount of them,  besides the obvious ones like  accessibility to read the time and stuff  like that. But, there is an  unlimited worth reasons why you should own  a luxury wristwatch. But these are the ten that stand  out for me the most. 


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