How to burn your body stored fat quickly., Body fat stored burn out

How to burn your body stored fat quickly.

     The math is simple, when you eat
more than you burn the body converts the excess calories into fat and stores it
as flab. And there it stays unless we
consume less calories and the body needs creating a deficit which triggers the liver to reach into those fat stores andreconvert them back into glycogen to fuel the body's metabolic processes.

       Going on a calorie restrictive diet is
the obvious answer to weight loss goals. But while most people can easily go for a few days eating smaller amounts of food than they have been accustomed to.

        It is not a sustainable long term
solution eventually the self-imposed
deprivation will cause a relapse and
will probably lead to binging sessions.
And when it does all the weight that has
been lost plus more will eventually comeback. But there is a way to get rid of excess fat and keep excess fat off without starving yourself. 

       Here is how to get your body to burn stored fat daily through
intermittent fasting.

    One : The American Diabetes Association explains that the human body is always in one of these two states, the fasted state and the feasted state the main difference lies in the source of energy being used to fuel the metabolism. The body is in the feasted State when you have eaten, an insulin is released into the bloodstream 
so that food you eat becomes the fuel source for your metabolic system. 

         The fasted state takes over when the insulin levels continue to fall signaling the body to switch over to using fat stores for energy. Because all the calories consumed have already been burned.

       Two :  The key is to get your body from fat storing mode to fat-burning mode for specific windows throughout the day. Doing this is mind blowingly simple. You simply need to space your food intake far enough apart to lower insulin levels in the blood. The biggest obstacle to affecting the switch is getting over the idea that you need to be eating every few hours.

        Three : Intermittent fasting (if)
refers to scheduling your feasting and
fasting modes to maximize the body's
fat burning mechanism. It means eating only during a specific time of the day and choosing not to eat food for a
larger period. There are various
protocols for (if) but the most popular
are sixteen-eight and twenty-four hours protocol.

       Four : In the sixteen-eight protocol you fast for sixteen consecutive hours and eat during the remaining eitht-hour period. For example you choose to schedule your meals from noon
to 8 p.m. skipping breakfast during the
fasted sixteen hour window you can only consume water and zero calorie drinks.  Such as plain tea or black coffee you should eat normally during the feeding window. Do not use it as an excuse to eat more calories than usual.

 You are not supposed to compensate calories missed during the fasted time this protocol can be done daily. With a day or two of rest within the week.

        Five : If you feel that you can go for longer periods of time you can try doing (if) for twenty-four hours. Most people find it easier to start their fast after a late lunch say 2 p.m. skip dinner and breakfast. And only eat again at 2 p.m. if you do this protocol it is recommended to do this on alternating days. 

         Remember to give yourself enough time to figure out how to get your body to burn stored fat daily through (if) for the first couple of weeks start with just a twelve hour fasting period gradually working your way up to sixteen or twenty-four hours. The first week
is generally the hardest you will soon
learn however that your hunger pain are just due to a habit rather than real
hunger. And that they can be comfortably managed with adequate fluid intake.


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