How To Buy A Nice Suit, How to choose a nice suit

Buying Suit Mistakes Make You Look Stupid

Today  I am talking about suit buying mistakes that make you look
stupid and how you can avoid them.

 Tip number one.

Trust your gut.
If you try on a suit and you look yourself in the mirror and you do not like it, you Can not maybe put your finger on exactly why, do not buy that suit. Buy the suit that is going to make you feel like a million bucks.
When you put this thing on it’s like a suit of armor. This suit is there to support you to make you look great. It should build up your shoulders, it should trim up your waistline, it should make you look taller.
You should feel like a million bucks. And if you do not, do not buy the suit. Trust your gut.

          My point, as a man you are responsible for yourself and how you look and the message you sent to the world. So make sure that you buy something that looks great on you, not something that maybe just
looks okay or some guys trying to push on you.

Tip number two.
Not knowing what a suit truly is. A suit is a jacket and trousers made from the same fabric that match each other. Now, a lot of guys think, oh, I can save money go to a thrift store buy a navy jacket maybe
with black trousers and they are close, right ?
Guys, that is an odd trouser odd jacket combination, it can work in certain circumstances unless it calls for a suit.
Because That is not a suit. And side note for my Canadian friends.
Yes, if you are wearing a jean jacket with jeans that are made from the same material, that technically is a suit, the Canadian tuxedo. 

Tip  number three.

Not removing your tack stitching. Strategically, this is the stitching on a new jacket that prevents damage in transport. So, you are going to see them on the lapels, you are going to see it on the pockets especially
the breast pocket, you are going to see it on the back vents.
But, when you get the jacket you start to wear it especially the first time, you want to remove the tack stitching.
But there are areas where you do not want to remove it specifically it is going to be the pockets right here. If you are going to use those pockets, that is fine, then go ahead and remove it, but if You are never going to use these pockets, then I think this is for most men and it is
actually going to maintain kind of a nicer sleeker look, then do not remove the tack stitching.
           Now, let’s talk about the breast pocket. I think you should remove it because you want to put in a pocket square and the vents you
definitely want to remove it because this is visible oftentimes from the outside and you want the vents to be able to function. 

Tip number four.

Not removing tags especially that sleeve tag. Now, you may have bought this from the designer from a higher end fashion brand and you really
like the fact that it says the name there, but remove it.
It does not belong there. I see guys walking around especially with a new suit with the tag left there. No, you want to remove it. That is not like a brand label that needs to be seen. It is something that should be taken right off.

Tip number five
 is buying a suit for the wrong occasion. So you have got an interview coming up with a manufacturing company, understand that you
Do not need to wear most likely a suit unless you are applying for a managerial job, you are going to be at an executive level.
But, the point is is not everyone is going to need to buy a suit right out of college or right going into an interview.
Now, I do think every man needs to own a suit because you have got important events where you need to look like a million bucks to be able to show respect or to be able to show that you basically fit the part that you will fit into that culture. But, I think a dark suit that fits you well is great for any man. In summary, I think every man should own a suit, but I do not want you to rush out there and go buy one for an occasion in which you do not need it. 

Tip number six
 and I bet a lot of you guys are surprised I did not start off with
this one, but fit. Fit is king.

When you buy a suit it has to fit you. It has to fit you in the shoulder points, it has to fit you in the chest area which you can get adjusted a little bit. You can get it adjusted in the stomach area.
So, you want to make sure when you buy the suit it fits you as close to perfect as possible. Need help with suit fit, guys ?
I’ve got a video I’m going to link to down in the description with also a complete infographic. So, if you want to look at pictures you want to watch a video, I have got you covered.
Now, these next two points I am going to bring them together.

Tip number 7, 8

Do not buy fashion suits and make sure you buy for function.
So, let’s talk about fashion suits and I say do not buy if you know what you are doing, you want to change it up, you want to bring in something that is going to grab attention, go for a fashion suit.

Why not?

Spend your money there. But understand, within a year within two years definitely within three years that suit can
really – if you are wearing it, you are going to be out of fashion.
So now, I am moving over and talking about function.
The mistake I see here is that most guys do not think through what function do they want their suit to serve.
                 But, I think for most guys what they are looking for is something that is going to send the signal of trust, something that is going to be in style for a decade. You look at Cary Grant, pull him out of a picture from 1950 and this guy still looks stylish.

               Again, nothing against the fashion suits or if you want to bring in colors you want to bring in fun patterns you want to bring in different styles aspects. But understand the function of that suit is it something you are in the banking industry. Well, in that case, probably classic conservative in most cities or if you are going to be
in a creative industry, then have fun there. 

Tip number 9
Next up, let’s talk about fabric and build quality. So, when you go out there and you look at suits you are going to see the different types of fabrics.
Understand, there isn’t a standard here, so it’s kind of like megapixels on cameras, Do not think that just because you are going to get more megapixels on a camera you are going to be able to take better pictures.

      The same thing with suits, just because it is a super 220, that doesn’t mean that it’s better than super 180 or even a super 120.
Touch the fabric, actually look at it, ask the person selling it what’s the build quality. And build quality is going to be everything inside the suit.
Does it have a floating canvas ? Those little details like that, what’s inside the suit you can’t see. You have got to trust on the manufacturer the brand where it’s coming from. One of the best deals I find especially for men starting off is to go to a box store, wait until they’ve got a great sale. Find a suit that maybe normally sells for $600, $700.
Try it on, look at yourself in the mirror, and then wait until it goes on sale at maybe half that price, that way you can jump on it, know it’s a great deal. Another tip is to go into the best menswear store in your area and try on that $1000 suit.

Feel what a nice fabric really feels like.

Look at that fit, look at yourself in the mirror, look at the build quality, and look at the way it fits your body and be like, wow, I look great.
Another thing, when you’ve tried on those great-looking suits those great-feeling suits, when you are at another store and you’re like, wow, that is on sale 50% off, it looks just like the suit I tried on.
You put it on you’re like this is a great deal.
So, by trying on a high quality, you can then better spot high quality.

Tip number Ten

Next up, practice wearing the suit. So, when you buy this nice suit, don’t just hang it up and only wear it for that special occasion.

           You want to make sure to wear it in and around your house.
Why would you wear it around your house ? Because you want to get used to the feel, you want to get used to the look or you just
simply want to get used to this feeling of having something on your shoulders wearing a suit like this because if you don’t, then you’re wearing a costume. And that’s the key is when you – you’re practicing wearing this, you start to realize, wow, this has a good effect on me.
I like the way I feel in that suit. And when you put on something you like, you put on something that you love, you feel great
and you perform better. Now, this other mistake has nothing to do with the suit, it has everything to do with what you pair with it - the shirt, the shoes, your grooming the way you take care of yourself.
Understand that the suit is just a link in a chain and the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

          Actually bought all the other pieces that you need to have the full outfit so you will look like a million bucks.
Pay attention to your grooming, take care of your teeth, take care of your hair. All of these things play into that overall look that image that you want to present because when you put on the suit, you want to look and feel like a million bucks. You have got an important event that you’re going to that you want to perform at that
you want to show respect for, so make sure that you’ve got the whole package. 


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