How you should buy gold or silver ? The important of gold and silver

Gold and Silver are better than money

       Before the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the weight of the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 1929. And the subsequent Great Depression. I also believe that it is both unavoidable and inevitable. Because it is merely the free market releasing stored up energy from decades ofeconomic manipulation. 

         Yes bad things are going to happen but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you. This Guy would started out as the top ten reasons to buy gold and silver and was originally drafted by some very good and well intentioned employees. But when I 
read it something just did not feel right.
It contained all the usual reasons that
any precious metals dealer would point
out as to why people should own gold and silver though they were all very good reasons to own gold and silver

           They were not the reasons that I buy gold and silver so here you go.
A countdown of the top ten reasons that I buy gold and silver top ten reason.

Number ten : All the world's currencies are fiat & fiat currencies always fail.

      Ninety-nine point nine percent of the world's population is unaware that we no longer use money we use fiat national currencies. So what is a
fiat currency and the answer fiat currencies are faith-based. Fiat currencies are national currencies
that are not backed by anything of value Like gold instead the government just declares that they have value and as long as the people keep believing they do have value. 

       So the people accept fiat currencies
for a while but here is the thing. There
have been thousands upon thousands of fiat currencies throughout history and they have all failed a hundred percent no exceptions. But there is a vast difference this time around since 1971 for the very first time in history all
the world's currencies are fiat currencies simultaneous remember this as we progressed through the top ten all fiat currencies fail.

Number 9 : The current state of the global economy

       Throughout history societies have swung back and forth from quality money to quantity currency and 
back again. Originally quantity currency took the form of debased coinage like gold and silver that has been diluted by adding cheap and abundant base metals such as copper. 

       Then it took the deceptive form of national currencies that were initially backed by money. In other words they were claim checks on gold but once these were established governments then change the laws to make
fraud legal so they could print claim
checks on gold that did not exist. The
next step was to sever the connection
between money and currency entirely.
        Back when we used real money gold would automatically balance all economies when one country would experience an economic boom they would import cheap goods from
countries with depressed economies and lower wage rates. 

        The outflows of gold from the boom country would cause a deflation cooling the economy while the countries experiencing gold inflows would boom causing their labor rates to increase. Which in turn would cause the
prices of depressed economies countries goods to rise. This meant
that trade imbalances would always
automatically rebalance again with gold. Government spending was also constrained if a government wanted to spend money more than its income, also known as deficit Spending. 

         Goverment had to borrow gold from the private sector if the government borrowed too much gold it would cause interest rates to rise. Which in turn would slow down the economy that in turn would cause tax revenues to fall. But the debt based global monetary system has allowed deficit spending and trade
imbalances and bubbles to persist in
balloon to levels unprecedented in all
of history. 

         The credit debt bubble and the derivatives bubble threatened to
take down the world economy. The only
comparison you could make is to take
every great bubble in history times one
million have it burst everywhere on the
planet simultaneously. It threatens to be a global financial nuclear holocaust the only survivors of which we will be the owners of gold and silver.

Number eight : A new world monetary system

        I am a firm believer that everything happens in waves and cycles when I was writing my book I discovered that every thirty to forty years the world has an entirely new monetary system. We have had four different monetary systems in the past a hundred years.
The system we are on today is the US
dollar standard. 

       It is an aging system that is way overdue for its own demise. It is now developing stress cracks, and will one day implode. Before the end of this decade history will repeat and just
as in 1922, 1944 and 1971 there will be
an emergency meeting of economists and government representatives to hash out a new world monetary system.

       It is normal no man-made system can possibly account for all the forces in the free market. They get old, they develop stress cracks and they implode. But what is different this time around is that the last three transitions were baby steps from full gold backing to partial gold backing to less gold backing finally no gold backing. In
each of these transitions the system we
were transitioning from had a component that could never fail : 


         this time we will be transitioning from a system based on something that has always failed : fiat currencies.

        The key component to this transition from the US dollar standard to some new standard is, of course, the US dollar. But the US dollar represents more than half of the value of all the world's currency. A dollar crisis would cast doubts on all fiat currencies. And the cascading effect of loss of faith could cause the rest of them to fall like dominoes. The central bankers will try everything they can think of to keep the fiat game continuing. 

         But when everything they try fails they will look around and say what worked before and once again the pendulum will swing back to quality money. The only beneficiaries of this event will be gold and silver and those who own them.

Number seven : Gold & silver come with a central bank guarantee

        my book was written from 2005
to 2007. In the book I said there would first be the threat of deflation this came
true with the crisis of 2008 - which Ben
Bernanke would overreact with a
helicopter drop of currency. This came
true with the bailouts and QE, which
would then cause an inflation. This came true when the stock market's and real estate markets were inflated. So far the Federal Reserve has not only lived up to my predictions, but it has surpassed even my wildest nightmares.

        They believe that they can fix things by running the printing presses. But the tale does not wag the dog. The free market is responsible for our prosperity. It is the economy. Not the numbers they print on pieces of paper or conjure in computers. So now that they have proven that massive currency creation does not work they are going to double down on it.

        But it is the market that ultimately rules. They are about to discover the horrific economic consequences of their reckless actions. As I said in my book next there will be a real deflation a contraction of the currency supply they can not control. This will happen when the credit, debt, bond, fiat currency and derivative bubbles begin to implode. 

         The reaction of the world's central banks will be to print until deflation gives way. Which I believe will cause a hyperinflation. But a hyperinflation does not even require a nation to print its currency into oblivion. It only requires a loss of faith but never fear because periodically throughout history gold has revalued itself as it is bit up in price by the free market as people rushed back to it for safety. 

         This is when gold does an accounting of all the currency that has
been created since the last time gold
did count. In doing so its purchasing power Rises exponentially. It has always done This, and I believe it always will.

Number six :  Everything else is a scary investment.

          By any realistic measure stocks have been in a super bubble for more than a decade now with valuations and yields in the danger zone while bonds are in the later stages of a thirty year bull market and real estate is
still deflating from the biggest bubble
in history. Dr. Robert Shiller of Yale
University has compiled data on the
stock market going all the way back to
the Year 1880. His research concludes
that by one measure the stock market has been in the bubble since 1998 and by his other measure it is far bigger and more extreme than any prior bubble. 

         Including the stock market bubble of the roaring 20s that led to the crash of 1929.

Further research shows that the only
reason the markets have been levitated
to these levels is due to the Federal
Reserve stimulus. What will happen when increasing stimulus no longer works ? I will not want to be invested in stocks when it finally implodes. 

        US Treasury bonds have been a great investment for more than thirty years but no bull market lasts forever. In fact, for the thirty seven years
after World War II bonds were such a bad investment that by the end of the 1970s they had earned the nickname

certificates of confiscation

         but that was back when countries were financially responsible. Now most countries on the planet run their finances like Greece and the United States of America is leading the way. And as the world's central banks keep interest rates low it's caused bond investors to take extraordinary risk in search of a reasonable return.

        We are now in a global bond bubble that Dwarfs anything in history I believe that this has made the bond market one of the most dangerous
places to be invested in right now.

       Dr. Schiller is also the creator of the
case-shiller home price index. His data
on real estate suggests that since the
popping of the bubble in 2007
real-estate values have bounced back
into a small bubble but what worries Dr.Schiller most is that institutional
investment firms have bought up as much as thirty percent of the homes that were foreclosed on since the crash of 2008.

        This has the potential of making real estate as volatile as the stock market. If these firms ever decide to sell they can dump thousands of homes on the market all at once causing the 2008 real estate crash to look like the calm before the storm. Personally the thought of investing in real estate right now is downright scary so the stock market bonds and real estate are either in a bubble or have been in a bubble in the last decade gold and silver however have not been in a bubble for more than thirty years. 

          And from my measure still appear to be less than halfway through their bull market. The next great bubble will someday be gold and silver it's just their turn.

Number five : Market psychology

          Nobody can really understand the markets or the economy but you can get an inkling of what they are about if you understand what drives them greed and fear. And the most entertaining part of monetary history is the study of their byproducts manias panics bubbles and crashes. When you study these you quickly learn the meaning of the old saying.

“ The bull climbs the stairs, but the bear jumps out the window.” 

          What it means is that it can take years to create a bubble but only days or weeks for it to burst. This is because when it comes to greed and fear fears by far the more powerful emotion. Gold and silver are sometimes the exception to this rule because they can rise as fast as lightning in a panic.

         In the golden bull market of the 70s it took 9 years for gold to rise from thirty five dollars to four hundred dollars. But once a panic out of
dollars to the safe haven of gold began
to develop it only took thirty three trading days for it to more than double rocketing to eight hundred and fifty dollars. But actually it was only a
very small percentage of the population
that was panicking out of dollars in the
70s. This time I think it will be everyone. Where do you think gold and silver would be headed if my reasons ten through six  come to pass top ten reason.

Number 4 : this time it really is different

          The differences between the precious metals bull market of the 70s and the great gold and silver rush of today are vast. In the 1970s only 2 major exchanges one in London and one in the U.S. set the price of gold. So it was only North America and Western Europe about ten percent of the world's population that could participate in that great Gold Rush. But this
time it's the entire planet in the 1970s
the number of investors in state-run
economies like Mao's China or the USSR was zero. 

         Now those countries are home to
more than one hundred billionaires each much of the rest of the world lived in extreme poverty. Today there are almost one thousand and five hundred
billionaires in the world living in more
than fifty countries. Every country on the planet has expanded their currency
supplies about tenfold since the 1970s.
So each potential investor has ten times
the currency and within each population.

          There has been the extraordinary
development of the investor mindset. In the 1970s we were a planet of savers but then as nations around the world
abandoned gold and silver as money and adopted fiat currency inflation raged punishing savers and rewarding investors and speculators. Then we had the tech bubble of the 90s and everybody became a stock trader then we had the global real  estate bubbles and everyone became a real estate investor or flipper. 

          For more  than thirty years saving has been punished, and investing and speculating has been awarded. The result is that there are many many times more people likely to invest in gold and silver this time around. The number is very hard to project, but I would guess it's somewhere between ten and one hundred. But possibly even as many as one thousand times more people with an investor mindset. 

          Remember that in the state-run economies (more than half the
world's population) there were no
investors. And today China is in the
midst of an investor driven real estate
hyper bubble so that's ten times the
people each with ten times the currency
and within each population there is
somewhere between ten and one thousand times the number of people with an investor mindset. 

          That's somewhere between one thousand and a hundred thousand times more currency. That will someday come chasing gold and
silver this time around. Yes this time it
really is different.

Number three : gold and silver should buy a whole lot more

         There is an old myth that in ancient Rome an ounce of gold could close a man from head to toe with 
a toga sandals and a belt and that today
a man can still clothed himself in a
suit shoes and belt for the price of an
ounce of gold. People claim that this has always been the case. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

          Before the Federal Reserve was created you could buy an outfit with an ounce of gold but by the end of the Roaring Twenties due to inflation you could not. Then by the beginning of the Great Depression because of deflation you could but by 1970 an ounce of gold would only buy the Shoes. Then just 10 years later it would buy a top-notch suit very fine shoes and a great belt but by 2001 it could only buy a shoddy suit cheap shoes and a crummy belt. 

          Yes, gold has always been worth something, but it has always zigzagged in a range of purchasing power.
However, this myth is based on a true
Fact. Humans mined gold at about the same rate that they make babies. So there is relatively the same amount of gold per person on the planet today because there was an ancient Rome.

           So let's dissect the myth of the Roman suit to see why Gold's purchasing power has varied, and what it could be in the future. The gains and efficiencies made since ancient Rome are mind-boggling. To make a toga required cotton to be planted, tended, picked and separated from the seed by hand. then the cotton had to be hand washed combed and spun taking
someone weeks to make enough thread for a toga. 

         Then the thread was dyed with
colors that were hand mined or harvested the cloth was then hand-woven, cut and stitched into a toga the shoes and belt were equally labor-intensive. Today with factory farming cheap fuel modern irrigation and pesticides it is possible to ten thousands of acres planted at
densities never before imagined. 

          Giant combines drive through the fields plowing the dirt and sowing the seeds in one pass at harvest time specialized combines pick the cotton and other machines separate the seed. With factory ranching efficiency is the same story with thousands of sheep being tended and shorn in production line fashion, then trucks deliver the cotton or wool to where it's washed combed and spun into miles of thread in minutes, then dyed with cheap mass production dyes and woven into miles of cloth by machines.

         Again in minutes then the cloth is
stacked many layers thick and a
computer-guided Shearer cuts out dozens of each of the parts of the suit in a single pass. The parts go to an assembly plant where workers who specialized in making the left sleeve or the right leg and such do so at amazing speed workers that can turn out dozens of suits per day do the final assembly also at a blazing rate. 

        Then it is shipped to a store where you can pick from dozens or even hundreds of styles colors and sizes
and it's a similar story at the shoe
factory that spits out a pair of shoes
every few seconds and the belts that
come off the production line by the
thousands the end result is that the
time value. The Roman outfit most likely measures in months of human labor whereas the modern suit contains only a few hours. 

          This is true of all the other stuff in society as well when it comes to the time value contained in stuff everything today is on sale for a tiny miniscule fraction of what at once cost. And, as proof to support my thesis I offer this. Today a good percentage of the world's
population has maybe a hundred times
more stuff than ninety nine percent had two thousand years ago.

          Think about it you are surrounded with Furniture, cellphones, computers, TVs Refrigerators, grocery stores, cars, planes, Hotels, restaurants a great bed to sleep in at night and just about anything else you want. By contrast two thousand years ago with the exception of the ruling class most people made a subsistence living barely able to afford the things they needed to survive. 

           In many cases a great bed or a
pair of shoes where extravagances they
would not experience in their lifetimes.
So, if this is true and it is then why is
gold's purchasing power so low. If
there is so much more stuff per person
but the same amount of gold per person should not an ounce of gold buy many many many times more stuff than it does today. Absolutely, emphatically, yes it should.
Then why does not it?  Because of the other big factor in busting this myth. 

          In ancient Rome if you wanted to save some of your wealth for the future there was only one asset available for you to save your purchasing power in. Real money the gold and silver coins that made up their money supply. Today if you want to save some of your wealth through the future you do so with financial assets such as stocks and bonds and maybe a tiny portion of currency in a checking account. 

         These highly liquid assets actually compete with gold and silver as a place to store your wealth they all dilute each other's purchasing power. In ancient Rome there was only one place to
store your wealth today there are
thousands. So that is the answer
with technology machinery and super
cheap energy we've become a thousand
times more efficient at producing stuff
and at the same time we've created a
thousand times more ways to store.

           The gains in purchasing power that gold should have made due to man becoming so much more efficient at making stuff have been almost exactly offset by the proliferation of alternative liquid financial assets in which to store that wealth. If it were not for all those
competing currencies and alternative
financial assets gold would buy many
many times more stuff. 

          So what happens to those alternate financial assets and the
inevitable market crash that lies out
there in the future. Those trusted
financial assets suddenly become
hocus-pocus voodoo financial assets as
their value evaporates just like those AAA rated mortgage-backed securities did in the crash of 2008. 

          What happens to fiat currencies in the coming currency crisis all those currencies become hot potatoes that nobody wants causing hard assets like gold and silver to be bit up to the moon. Either way gold would buy a whole lot more stuff someday in the near future.
Today there is about forty thousand dollars worth of liquid financial assets per person versus only two hundred dollars worth of investment grade gold

           That is a two hundred to one ratio. That means that in a crisis if just ten percent of the wealth invested in those alternative financial assets were to come chasing gold its price would rise twenty fold. The moral of this story is, if you want to buy twenty suits shoes and belts a few years from now you better buy an ounce of gold today.  

          Taken separately any one of these
reasons is a compelling case for gold
and silver. But if you look at them all
together and you take into account that
for the very first time this gold and
silver rush is going to be global you
realize that these reasons are not just
additive but they multiplied upon one

Number two : is it's all happening at once & this time it's global

          So there is more stuff per person than at any time in history but the same amount of gold and competing currencies and other assets have diluted Gold's purchasing power. Today there is two hundred times more
wealth stored in these compete assets than there is in gold. And if only ten percent of that wealth comes chasing gold its price will rise twenty fold. And in the crisis I see coming it is going to be a lot more than just ten percent. 

          The world is now in uncharted territory budget deficits, trade deficits and government debt have ballooned to lethal levels. Real estate, stocks and bonds are all in bubbles and the credit debt and derivatives bubbles threatened to take down the world economy. It took years to create these bubbles but it will only take days or weeks for them to burst and all bubbles eventually burst. 

           In the inevitable crash and currency crisis that are bearing down on this most trusted investments will probably evaporate while gold and silver are pushed into hyper bubbles. Because when it comes to greed and fear, fear is by far the more powerful emotion and in a crisis fear is what drives investors. Today there are ten times the people each with ten times the currency and somewhere
between ten and one thousand times the number of people with an investor mindset than in the last great gold and silver rush.

         That is somewhere between one thousand and One hundred thousand times more currency that will
come chasing gold and silver this time
around. For the very first time in
history all the world's currencies are
fiat and fiat currencies have always
failed couple that with the facts that
every country on the planet is creating
currency on a suicidal scale never
before imagined that every thirty to forty years the world has an entirely new monetary system. 

           That we are overdue for the transition to a new monetary system
right now and you now have the recipe
for a cataclysmic economic event that
will be the greatest wealth transfer in
history. It can either impoverish you, or it can enrich you beyond your wildest dreams.

           Knowingness you think I would take every spare unit of currency I can get my hands on and buy gold, so why don't I because silver is undervalued compared to gold so I buy both but I buy mostly silver.

Number one : I sleep better

         As I said at the beginning of this
article I believe that an economic
crisis of historic proportions is headed
straight at us and there is no avoiding.
It never before have all the government's on the planet
simultaneously laid down the foundation for the perfect economic storm. I believe that there will be a global fiat currency crisis that will cause the bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estates to burst simultaneously. 

          This will result in the greatest economic crash the world has ever seen. Things could get pretty bad the
possibilities range from my being
completely wrong to total economic
collapse and a financial Armageddon from which we never recover toward the bad end is the possibility of the failure of the monetary system which could cause rioting and a disruption of the food supply. 

          But in any range of possibilities 
there is something called a bell curve
of probabilities. What that means is that either of the extremes also called the tail risks are very unlikely to happen but that something in the middle is very likely to happen. Believe it or not I am NOT a doomsayer but nor do I believe the government when they tell me everything is going to be alright I think it is going to be something in the middle. 

           Yes, I believe it's going to be the greatest crash in history but I have great hope. Man is an amazing species we have a resilience and ability to adapt and bounce back from anything. Yes,
banks could fail but new more efficient
ones would take their place yes, the
world monetary system could collapse but this could be a good thing. If we could just make fraud, theft and conflicts of interest illegal for the financial sector like it is for the rest of us and if we could just leave the free market alone and stop manipulating and meddling with it. 

          It would quickly provide us with 
a new, efficient, stable and honest
monetary system that would increase the prosperity and standard of living for everyone. Yes, the stock, bond and real estate markets will probably crash and for those who are unprepared it will be devastating. 

          But if it is going to happen anyway and if there is nothing I can do about it then I may as well try to figure out how to turn this catastrophe fie into the best thing that has ever happened to me. As I have said many times there are these brief moments in history where the safest asset class gold and silver the safe haven to protect your wealth for the last five thousand years.

          Simultaneously become the asset class with the greatest potential gains in absolute purchasing power. In periods of crisis gold and silver are the asset class that outperform all others this decade will see the greatest financial crisis in history. That means it will also be the greatest wealth transfer in history and that means it is the
greatest opportunity in history.


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