The impressive benefits of onions

There are twelve impressive benefits of onions for your skin and hair


Onions can be found on pretty much every kitchen counter.
Everyone knows that
onions are full of essential vitamins such as C, B4, B5, B6, B3, B1, B2, E, B9, K.
But not too many people realize that
onion also prevent thrombosis. To slow down
the aging of arteries and veins and even
reduce cholesterol yet that is just the
tip of the iceberg. So there are
collected twelve surprising and little-known
uses of onions did you know that onions
can easily cure earache and acne.


#12 Onions able to improve intimacy 

Well, that is quite a bold statement right, but it is
true even the ancient Romans consumed
onions to boost libido and enhance their
intimacy. In the explanation for this is
simple onions improved circulation in
the limbs giving men greater strength
increased desire and better performance
moreover, onions can increase your
testosterone levels thus improving your
sexual stamina.

So if you wish to become Superman within 

a sack here is what you must do 


   Divide a medium sized onion add honey and mix it all together just be sure to take 3
tablespoons of this concoction every
morning and afternoon to get the desired

11# The ability of onion neutralized bad odor

Onions can also be used around the house is an amazing neutralizer of unpleasant odors. The steps here are quite simple just slice up an onion put it within the area and leave onion therefor  a couple of hours. After the time is up simply throw it away you will not need this onion anymore it is that easy no special preparations needed one onion will do
the trick.

#10 Onions able to improve blood circulation 


Just like the onion itself the skin of onion is helpful for you in many many ways  the outer layer of onion contains lots of antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. Onion skin contains dietary fiber and other nutrients that are good for your skin. As mentioned earlier it also greatly improves your blood
circulation will produce even better results. If you make a specialty out of it plays some onion skins in a very bowl and add boiling water cover the bowl for fifteen minutes, strain it and drink before bedtime. Be careful though you should not try this recipe if you are pregnant or breastfeeding for everybody else onion skin tea will work just fine.

#9 onions help you fall asleep faster


If you suffer from insomnia you will find onions extremely advantageous in dealing with sleeplessness. Just cut a raw onion into a couple of pieces and take about 5 to 10 deep breaths of its aroma. Doing this
might sound weird, but you will sleep like a baby next time you have trouble falling asleep try out this useful tip and say goodbye to insomnia for good.

#8 onions can cure an earache

Unfortunately there Are not enough home remedies for ear infections and ear pain out there which makes it hard to find something that will actually work fast enough to bring
you instant and long-lasting relief. But
do not worry onions can do exactly that
onions anti-inflammatory properties play
a significant role in curing earache.

      Just heat an onion up in the oven until
onion becomes soft after that cut onion into
pieces and squeeze the juice out of it.
Finally, trickle a few drops of the onion juice
into the affected ear, the onion will do
the rest of the work and your earache
will be no more infections or pain.


#7 Onion against swollen legs and ankles

Swollen legs and ankles are other problems many of us face, it is arduous to search out a
remedy that will work effectively. But
believe it or not, onions can quickly solve this problem. Onions contain anti-inflammatory properties by drawing toxins out of the body, therefore, use this to your advantage by following simple recipe.

first, you will need to find some spring onions and cook them for a few minutes. Then put onion cook in a blender to make a paste.
Simply apply this paste to your swollen
limbs and you will get the feeling of relief instantly.


#6 Onions remove cold sores

Most folks have had to affect Associate in Nursing unsightly cold tour at one time or
another. Especially during cold and flu
season while some people go out and buy
expensive creams. It is best to make use
of some home remedies to cure a cold
sore, this formula is as straightforward because it gets just extract the juice out of an onion. And apply this juice to the affected area using soft cloth do that a couple of times a day to get the best results. 

       This onion juice will kill any bacteria and soothe the itching. If you start to notice a
cold sore coming on and catch it early
enough you can also eat raw onion together
with garlic to prevent the sore from
appearing altogether. This combo will
help your system fight the infection and
make sure that it is gone for good.


#5 Onions able to treat dandruff

Dandruff can be a losing battle for many
people. According to statistics 1 in 5
people have dandruff that makes it no
wonder why you may feel constantly
bombarded by different shampoo commercials promising to help you get rid of dandruff fast. And effectively you can depart and obtain one amongst this hair care products or you could simply grab an onion try mixing equal parts onion juice with aloe vera. And gently massage the mixture into your scalp leave it in
for about ten minutes and then rinse it
out. You can also try making a mixture
with some beets do not forget to boil the
beets. And allow them to cool off before
combining them with onion juice. Massage
it in and wash it out currently you will be able to stop worrying about that pesky dandruff.

#4 Onions able to combat cellulite

      If you are desperate to get rid of annoying
and unsightly cellulite. Try incorporating onions into your diets they help release water buildup from your skin cells cleanse the blood and have an overall positive effect on your
lymphatic system. Onions can remove cellulite quickly and naturally giving you the beautiful silky smooth skin of your dreams you can also add tomatoes, apples, dark berries, oranges or dark chocolate to your daily menu. To successfully fight cellulite and do not
forget about green tea a healthy diet in a combination with physical activity and good skin care will definitely help you forget about cellulite once and for all.

#3 Onions effect on weight loss

       Onions contain keratin that boosts your
metabolism. And as a result helps you
lose weight the most effective issue you will be able to do is.

To drink pure onion juice here you will need just 1 fresh onion and 3 cups of water start by peeling the onion slice an onion and add a cup of water then boil it for four minutes afterward, put this onion in a blender and add 2 more cups of water your beverage is ready to drink. This mixtures 2 or 3 times a week and
investigate the extra pounds disappear before
your eyes.

#2 Onions may reduce high blood pressure

       High blood pressure is a very serious
the issue that can lead to all sorts of
major health problems. If you suffer from
high blood pressure you should start
your treatment immediately.

     And of course, onions will come in hand
once again this is due to that truly magical care side is found in onions it not only reduces high blood pressure but also decreases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. To see all the benefits of it for yourself just eat raw
onion is also good to consume 2 or 3 tablespoons of onion essential oil which immensely lowers high blood pressure as well.

#1 Onions able to cure acne

           Onions contain sulfuric elements
that help treat acne and prevent acne.
Further appearance its anti-inflammatory
properties also work magic on big small
and pimples there are all sorts of face
masks. You can do with onions but we will
tell you about the most effective onion face masks.

The first one is an onion and oatmeal.
Mask oatmeal soaks up the excess oil on
your skin removes dead skin cells and
leaves you with a more fresh and glowing face.
Sounds great right, well if you want to
try it you will need one onion and a half
a cup of cooked oatmeal pure the onion
in a blender and simply add the oatmeal.
You could additionally add a little bit of honey to make the mass thicker and more adhesive
to your skin. Apply the final mixtures to
your face leave it on for about ten minutes and then rinse it off. 

         Do not forget to apply moisturizer afterward you can also try a more complex mask using one egg yolk one teaspoon of olive oil two tablespoons of onion juice and two
tablespoons of cucumber juice. Mix these all
together apply the mask to your face
wait for fifteen minutes and finally wash it
off. Use your newly learned masks recipes
2 or 3 times a week and get that blemish free complexion you have been dreaming of.


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