How to clean your arteries naturally with simply eating healthy foods.

How to clean your arteries naturally 

with simply eating healthy foods. 

         Nowadays human eat lots of food which rich in unhealthy fats. This causes our arteries to become clogged with bad cholesterol. This is also known as LDL, LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins  or plaque. LDL can cause some major problems for our bodies, with a higher LDL, chance of having a heart attack or stroke. 

      Human also gain a lot of weight as human bodies have trouble in 
flushing away LDL.  In order to change this human should begin to eat specific healthy foods that will boost human health, and allow human body to
begin healing itself. We have chosen some of the healthiest foods that you can use to begin cleaning your arteries
right away.

1. Honey : You can replace sugar in your diet with Honey, as honey has been shown to keep cholesterol levels in check. Beside honey also tastes positively delicious.

2. garlic : This superfood contains a potent compound called allicin, that lowers cholesterol and heals many underlying infections.

3. Watermelon : Watermelon is a tasty fruit which increase blood circulation,
that is exactly what you need to flush
away the plaque in the arteries.

4. Extra virgin olive oil : Get rid of butter, vegetable oils and spreads and use this extra virgin olive oil instead. Extra virgin olive oil has a tremendous amount of health benefits.
I recommend Italian olive oil from
Sicily, it tastes so much better.

5. Raw apple cider vinegar. This contains live enzymes that helps your body to break down food more effectively. You can drink a teaspoon of this in water before eating food.

6. Organic Salmon or lake trout :
Instead of eating lots of pork, beef or chicken enjoy eating poached fish such as salmon or trout. Salmon or trout contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids
that boosts healthy cholesterol(HDL, HDL stands for high-density lipoproteins. It is called the "good" cholesterol)  and therefore a healthy heart.

7. Turmeric : Turmeric is a super root spice is extremely powerful for boosting your health, also helps
removing plaque from your arteries.

8. Onions : Eating raw onions will supply your body with some much-needed sulfur that can also help in cleaning out the arteries.

9. Ginger : Ginger is another spice, that is well known for helping to fight heart
disease amongst other benefits.

10.Whole flax seeds : Whole flax seeds contain lots of fiber that will help you to use the toilet more often, and flush out cholesterol.

11. Extra virgin avocado oil :
       Extra virgin avocado oil helps to prevent further damage to the arteries, avocado oil can also help to prevent diabetes and obesity.

12. Peppermint and parsley : These two favorite herbs for boosting the health of the entire body. you can blend peppermint and parsley with other
fruits and veggies as a substitute to
harmful sugary drinks.

13. Broccoli : Broccoli is a delicious green vegetable contains lots of vitamin K, that protect your arteries from calcium damage.

14. Spinach : Spinach can be served on the side of almost any meal and can helps your arteries resist plaque because of its healthy nitrates contained within.

15. Almonds : If you eating a handful of peeled almonds every day has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels effectively.

A healthy lifestyle

      is important to protect your heart. These foods are also very uplifting and will make you feel wonderful. If you plan on reducing cholesterol quickly, it is important that you try to avoid eating
lots of sugary foods and drinks. You would better avoid alcohol as much as possible, because alcohol causes
inflammation in your body that will also clog your arteries even more.

Caffeine :  Caffeine found in coffee and tea will also raise your cholesterol, so try to drink caffeine less throughout the day, and replace with freshly made juices. 

Vegetable oil : Should be avoided at all costs, simply use extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil instead. 

Proper gentle exercise : 
    is also recommended on a daily
basis. Even if exercise is very simply involves going for a fifteen minute walk. With exercising will make all
the difference to your health.


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