How to cure blackheads(Acne on nose) by using lemon and salt.

How to cure blackheads(Acne on nose) by using lemon and salt.

        A natural remedy using lemon and salt for blackheads on the nose.  
Blackheads on the nose are one of common problem and can be difficult to get rid of it entirely. Human skin produces a lot of oil that clogs the pores and creates little plugs that people called blackheads.  

       Blackheads happens to both women and men but the good news is that blackheads can be treated by yourself at home using a natural remedy.
Many people squeeze blackheads Acne using their fingers, but by doing this can cause bacteria to get into your skin and cause pimples. 

       Experts suggest using this natural
remedy to clear out blackheads quickly, safety and easily, without the need for
other expensive treatment. What you will need is one tablespoon of sea salt, a half  teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of spring water.

 How to do?

       Mix these ingredients in a small
bowl and massage the mixture onto your skin around your nose, and other areas of your body where you have blackheads.  Take around five minutes, and use circular motions with your fingers, getting all of  the mixture into the skin. 

       Do not scrub your skin as scrub can make it become inflamed. Simply massage your skin gently. Afterward
rinse your face with warm water to remove the solution, and finally close the pores using a splash of cold water.  The citric acid contained within the lemon helps to clear out the oils trapped within the pores, killing unwanted germs. The salt also
works as an antibacterial, and help opens the pores up, allowing the blackheads easily to released. 

       If you use this mixture continually,
you will soon notice that your skin is
becoming brighter, healthier and
blackhead free. If you left blackheads untreated, blackheads can turn into pimples as bacteria gets trapped underneath. By eating a balanced and properly diet, and continue using natural remedies like this, you
can prevent acne from forming in the

first place. 


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