How to use coconut oil as wrinkles fighting. - Home Remedies For Wrinkles

How to use coconut oil as wrinkles fighting. - Home Remedies For Wrinkles

    Tropical Plant-based oils like coconut oil have been hailed for their health-enhancing properties. They have been found useful for enhancing physical beauty as well, especially virgin coconut oil. While popularly used to moisturize skin and hair, coconut oil able to help you prevent the formation of fine lines on your face. So if you want to find out how to fight wrinkles using coconut oil, here is how ?

Number one : Coconut oil has been found to have a positive antioxidant action in the body, 

    According to Dr.Oz. Coconut oil has a lot of vitamin E, that enhance the skin. Therefore, you can apply coconutoil to your face or your body and eat it as well. However, due to coconut oil has significant amounts of saturated fat, So best consume moderate amounts.  If you have cardiovascular problem, better consult your doctor on how much coconut oil you can eat each day.

Number two : Opt for organic, virgin coconut oil
So you avoid absorbing toxins or chemicals that may harm your overall health. Go for cold-pressed options, which means this coconut oil has been mechanically extracted at temperatures below one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit in order to preserve coconut oil health-boosting properties. This type of coconut oil is also not processed, refined, or deodorized.  Those coconut oil that are not cold-pressed may have less of the good stuff, due to heating may have destroyed some substances.

Number three : Coconut oil able to use as a moisturizer.

     Apply coconut oil at night before you go to bed and in the morning when you wake up after washing your face. Slathering on some coconut oil while your face or body is not too wet(damp) is ideal, as coconut oil will help lock in the moisture and plump up fine lines, making your skin look smoother and feel suppler again.

Number four : You can also massage coconut oil onto your face

Before you get into the shower so that you protect your skin from the drying effect of hot water. On top of that, the steam from the hot shower helps your skin absorb coconut oil better. When you do this you will not need to put moisturizer on afterward.

Number five using coconut oil as a makeup remover and facial cleanser is also recommended.

You  can even forego soaping up when you do so. Apply coconut oil onto your face with a ball of cotton and rub cotton ball all over. Then leave it on for about three to five minutes. You can do other things in  preparation for bedtime in the meantime. Afterward, rinse the coconut oil off using very warm water. Doing this will remove makeup  residue and excess coconut oil, leaving behind just the right amount of coconut oil. Pat dry and  top off with a non-comedogenic moisturizer. This way, you prevent adding new fine lines or minimize existing ones.

Number Six : Do regular facial massages using  coconut oil.

        Spend about five to ten minutes smoothing and sliding your fingers on your forehead, cheeks, jawline,
and chin using an outward, circular motion.  Make sure you apply light pressure in slow and careful strokes
Do not forget your brow line and the area around your eyes. Do not be too rough with your under eye area, as under-eye area is the  most fragile and thinnest layer of skin  on your face. Just put some coconut oil on it using light, feathery strokes.

Number seven :  You can  also mix in a little coconut oil into  salads to boost the health benefits and taste.

     Moreover you can use coconut oil to cook your favorite dishes. Using soaps made with coconut oil is another tip on how to fight wrinkles using coconut oil you can  add a bit of oil to your natural facial masks as well to boost its hydrating and wrinkle fighting abilities.


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