The benefit of Turmeric, The power of turmeric

        Eating turmeric every day see what happens to you on the thirty day. No you are not going to turn yellowHow do you feel about
Turmeric ? not a big fan well listen up
because you will probably change your mind
after hearing about these 12 incredible health benefits of turmeric. If you are struggling such as skin issues, hair loss or even extra weight then keep on reading. And be sure to spice up your life and live it on the bright side.

          Now what changes can you expect in your body after one month of including turmeric in
your diet.

Well let's start at number Twelve.

       By using turmeric your teeth will get whiter if you have tried everything to get that Hollywood smile of your dreams all to no avail,
then give turmeric ago. A 2013 study by
researchers at the department of oral
pathology at India's Punjab University has
prove that turmeric can help whiten
your teeth. Known as curcuma longa 

in the
scientific community turmeric has been
used in traditional Indian medicine for
centuries for its anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiseptic

All this makes turmeric a miracle
product in dental care. To give it a go
simply dip your toothbrush in sunflower oil
or olive oil and then in crush turmeric.
Take brush your teeth for three minutes and
repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times
a week. You will see the first results in
just 1 month.

Number eleven you will get rid of acne

         In ayurvedic medicine turmeric has been
used for ages to treat skin conditions but it does have backing by modern science. Turmeric effectiveness for skin health was proved in a 2016 study by dermatologists from Drexel University and the University of California
Sacramento. They analyzed two hundred and thirty-four articles on skin conditions in their treatment. It turned out that in ten out of eighteen cases turmeric was used as an effective anti acne remedy. You Know acne is caused by an excess of the bacteria Pro prion a bacteria acnes. Since it is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics turmeric is a great natural alternative that works just as well so try it for yourself.

       Makes 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice
and one-quater teaspoon of turmeric apply the pace to problem areas for ten to fifteen minutesAnd then wash it off repeat three times a week for clearer skin in a month.

number Ten your hair will grow much
faster and thicker.

          lots of different factors in our crazy fast-paced world can trigger hair loss such as stress, a poor diet and hormonal imbalance to name a few. A study by the Korean bio spectrum Life
Science Institute has shown that the
curcumin in turmeric able to prevent hair
loss by strengthening the hair follicles.
In a nutshell stronger hair follicles means faster growing and healthier hair all you have to do is add one tablespoon of turmeric powder to three tablespoons of vegetable oil to make a nutritious hair mask. Apply the paste to your root hair for thirty minutes after that wash it off do this 1 to 3 times a month. If any excess potion left may be you can use it as a dressing on your salad.

Number nine turmeric will strengthen your

        Turmeric able to help boost your biological immunity by activating important immune cells like T cells, B cells macrophages and neutrophils.
According to researchers at Ohio State University taking turmeric on your food or in the form of supplements is not the best for strengthening immunitySince turmeric mostly stays in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolize as quickly to get the most out of it mix one third cup of turmeric with two third cup of pure water. Heat up the mixtures in a saucepan for ten minutes transfer then transfer to a sterilized jar and keeped in the fridge.
Dilute one to two teaspoons of the paste in
a glass of warm water, next add a little honey.   

          The turmeric and it is useful curcumin component will dissolve and easily enter the bloodstream in tissuesDrink this mixtures one time daily for prevention purposes or every 3 to
4 hours if you are getting sick.

Number eight turmeric able to cure a sore throat

          Indian scientists in the Department of oral pathology at Punjab University concluded that due to turmeric antimicrobial properties. Turmeric extract can stop the growth of bacteria and parasites also help reduce inflammation in the throat. So use turmeric to your advantage by mixing one-half teaspoon of turmeric and 1/2 TSP of salt in a glass of
hot water. Use this mixtures as a gargle 3 times
a day until your throat feels much better again.

Number seven Turmeric can relief cold.

         Turmeric amazing antibiotic effects
and anti-inflammatory properties also make turmeric an excellent cure for the common
cold. Do it by mixing half teaspoon of dried turmeric into a glass of linseed oil. Heat it up
until sense strong aroma that you can
inhale for 1 to 2 minutes twice a
day. That vitamin boost will combat the cold in no time and stop bacteria from spreading any

Number six Turmeric can heal broken skin and wounds

          In 2007 researchers at the uniformed
services University of Health Sciences in Bethesda Maryland studied turmeric properties as a cure for skin conditions such as scleroderma, psoriasis and even skin cancer. Once again they proved that Indian medicine has been using turmeric for centuries for any reason. 

Turmeric prevents free radicals from spreading and stops inflammation in wounds thus healing them faster. Just mix half teaspoon of turmeric with half teaspoon of ground ginger and a little clean water. Spread the mixtures paste on the problem area apply it once a day and you will notice visible results pretty soon.

Number five Use turmeric You will feel less joint pain 

   In 2016 Dr. kaki on chin headed a study in the
department of pharmacology at Malaysia's
Kabang Tseng University Medical Center.
To find out the effect curcumin has on joint inflammation. Our etic patients involved in the research took extracts of curcuminoids and enhanced curcumin

At the end of the trial they saw reduced pain better physical function and an improved quality of life the study also
suggested that curcumin can be used for
the Prevention of joint diseases. If you want to try it for yourself mix one TBSP of turmeric powder one TBSP of honey and two to three crushed garlic cloths.

        Apply the paste to the problem area for
fifteen to twenty minutes daily for 2 weeks.

Number four Turmeric will improve your mood
and stimulate brain function.

Researchers at the University of California Los
Angeles asked forty adults age fifty one to eighty four to take curcumin twice a day. The scientists monitor their cognition with the help of memory tests and noticed a visible improvement by the end of the trial.

This makes turmeric an excellent agent for the prevention or treatment of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer'sParkinson's and stroke. The prevention is the way better than cure you know so be sure to drink one glass of cold water with a half of TSP of turmeric half TSP of
black powder and a slice of lemon once a
day. The effect is instantaneoushowever it is not recommended to use this remedy if you face stomach problems.

Number three Turmeric will help prevent cancer

While there is no a hundred percent effective
Universal cure against this deadly disease just yet. It looks like you can prevent pancreatic cancer with the help of turmeric. Turmeric anti-cancer effects have been proven by multiple studies. The latest of which took place in 2016 at the National Cancer Institute of Naples Italy. 

All this is possible thanks to
turmeric antioxidant neuro protective
anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic
powers. As for how you can get maximum
benefits from it just combine a quarter TSP
of turmeric, half TSP of olive oil and a pinch of black pepper and add the mixture to your soups and salads.

Number two your skin will look younger

         In 2014 Scientists at the department of zoology at the university of delhi tested the anti-aging properties of turmeric. They concluded that genes regulating metabolism DNA repair and antioxidant systems actually
control human life's span. 

In chronic inflammation causes dysregulation of proteins cells and organs so stopping it could be the cure
for age-related processes. For youthful
looking skin mix 1 TSP of turmeric one teaspoon of milk and 1 TSP of honey. Apply it to steamed treated skin on the face and neck for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it off. Repeat the procedure every other day for a month and make a two month gap between courses.

Number one with turmeric you can lose weight

      Finally the turmeric power you have been
waiting for an easy all natural and affordable remedy to drop undesire pounds. When in 2015 the Journal of nutritional biochemistry revealed the results of a Korean study it turns out that curcumin alters the composition of
fat cells. 

Result undesirable white fat cells into the healthy brown kind to get one step closer to your dream body simply add half teaspoon of turmeric to 1 glass of milk. Drinking this every day in the morning and evening to speed up
metabolism and reduce your appetite.


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